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#REDIRECT [[Jupyter#JupyterLab]]
== Introduction ==
JupyterLab is now the recommended general-purpose user interface to use on a [[JupyterHub]]. From a JupyterLab server, you can manage your remote files and folders, and you can launch Jupyter applications like a Terminal, (Python 3) Notebooks, RStudio and a Linux Desktop.
The section [[JupyterHub#Compute_Canada_initiatives]] contains the list of available Jupyter Hubs at Compute Canada. Compute Canada credentials are used for authentication.
== Launching a JupyterLab server as a job ==
[[File:JupyterHub_Server_Options.png|thumb|JupyterHub Server Options form]]
On [[JupyterHub#Compute_Canada_initiatives|Béluga and Hélios]], once the authentication is done on [[JupyterHub]], your Web browser is redirected to either a previously launched Jupyter server or a form that allows you to configure and submit a new interactive session on the cluster. In any case, the JupyterLab server is running on dedicated compute resources.
In the ''Server Options'' form, you can:
* Select the compute account to be used (any <code>def-*</code>, <code>rrg-*</code>, <code>rpp-*</code> or <code>ctb-*</code> account you have access to)
* Set the amount of hours required for the session
* Set the number of CPU cores that will be reserved on a single node
* Set the amount of memory for the entire session
* (Optional on Béluga) Select one or two GPUs
* Select a [[JupyterHub#User_Interface|User Interface]] - this is where JupyterLab should be selected
== The JupyterLab Interface ==
When JupyterLab is ready to be used, the interface has multiple panels.
[[File:JupyterLab_HomeTab.png|thumb|Default home tab when JupyterLab is loaded]]
=== Menu bar on top ===
* In the ''File'' menu:
** ''Hub Control Panel'': if you want to stop the JupyterLab server and the corresponding job on the cluster
** ''Log Out'': if you want to leave the Web interface, but keep the server up and running
* Most other menu items are related to Notebooks and Jupyter applications
=== Tool selector on left ===
* ''File Browser'' (folder icon):
** This is where you can browse in your home, project and scratch spaces
** It is also possible to upload files
* ''Running Terminals and Kernels'':
** To stop kernel sessions and terminal sessions
* ''Commands''
* ''Property Inspector''
* ''Open Tabs'':
** To navigate between application tabs
** To close application tabs - the corresponding kernels remain active
[[File:JupyterLab_Softwares.png|thumb|Loaded modules and available modules]]
* ''Softwares'' (blue cubic icon):
** Compute Canada modules can be loaded and unloaded in the JupyterLab session
** The search box can search for [[Available software|available modules]] and give the result in the ''Available Modules'' panel. Note: some modules are hidden until their dependency is loaded - we recommend that you first look for a specific module with <code>module spider module_name</code> from a Terminal.
** The next sub-panel is the list of ''Loaded Modules'' in the whole JupyterLab session. Note: while <code>python</code> and <code>ipython-kernel</code> modules are loaded by default, additional modules must be loaded before launching some other applications and Notebooks. For example: <code>scipy-stack</code>.
** The last sub-panel is the list of ''Available modules'', similar to the output of <code>module avail</code>. By clicking on a module's name, detailed information about the module is displayed. By clicking on the ''Load'' link, the module will be loaded.
=== Application area on right ===
* The ''Launcher'' tab is opened by default
** It contains all available Jupyter applications and Notebooks, depending on which modules are loaded
=== Status bar at the bottom ===
* By clicking on the icons, this brings you to the ''Running Terminals and Kernels'' tool.
== Jupyter Applications ==
This section presents the main supported Jupyter applications on JupyterLab with the Compute Canada software stack.
=== Terminal ===
[[File:JupyterLab_Launcher_Terminal.png|thumb|Terminal launcher button]]
This launcher will open a terminal in a new JupyterLab tab:
* The terminal runs a (Bash) shell on the remote compute node without the need of an SSH connection
** Gives access to the remote filesystems (<code>/home</code>, <code>/project</code>, <code>/scratch</code>)
** Allows running compute tasks
* The terminal allows copy-and-paste operations of text:
** Copy operation: select the text, then press Ctrl+C
*** Note: usually, Ctrl+C is used to send a SIGINT signal to a running process, or to cancel the current command. To get this behaviour in JupyterLab's terminal, click on the terminal to deselect any text before pressing Ctrl+C
** Paste operation: press Ctrl+V
=== Python (Notebook) ===
[[File:JupyterLab_Launcher_Python.png|thumb|Python launcher button]]
=== RStudio ===
[[File:JupyterLab_Launcher_RStudio.png|thumb|RStudio launcher button]]
=== Desktop ===
[[File:JupyterLab_Launcher_Desktop.png|thumb|Desktop launcher button]]

Latest revision as of 16:21, 11 January 2022

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