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Subatomic and High Energy Physics Software[edit]

This page is maintained by the Compute Canada Subatomic Physics National Team and was last updated August 23, 2019.

Many of the subatomic experimental physics groups are relying on CVMFS repositories from CERN or the Open Science Grid and specific repositories for each experiment.

The CCenv that is setup for regular users can create conflicts with some of the setups from these repositories as standard libraries are provided from the Compute Canada CVMFS repository which uses Nix and Easybuild to provide access rather than having the software installed on the base OS of the compute nodes.

For ATLAS users, there are pages housed on the TRIUMF twiki that should be helpful. NOTE: ATLAS users should use the recommended setups for Tier-3 use rather than reinventing techniques that are described below.

Many setups assume that the base nodes have the HEP_OSLibs packages/rpms setup[1], which is not true on the CC computing nodes. One might be able to get away with some simple setups from the '' repository, but the suggested approach is to use singularity containers which have the necessary rpm's installed, which is described in the next section below. This also allows use of different OS bases (e.g. SL6) on the CentOS7-based Compute Canada infrastructure.

To setup a CentOS7 based view from (e.g. with gcc8)

source /cvmfs/ LCG_95 x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt

this will include the necessary paths to compilers, geant4, ROOT, etc.

Available setups for <arch-os-complier> for LCG_95 are:


[1] A list of all the rpm's installed via HEPOS_Libs for CentOS7 is available at

Running in containers[edit]

As of this writing there are two main repositories for singularity images that we are aware of for HEP-related software, both distributed via CVMFS repositories. One from ATLAS and the other from WLCG.

  • ATLAS - single file packed images: /cvmfs/
      - unpacked images: /cvmfs/

The ATLAS distributions are documented well at

  • WLCG - This is a development project to provide a standard container with HEPOS_Libs. Images are under /cvmfs/ There is some documentation for this project at