Ansys Electronic Desktop jobs can be submitted to the cluster queue by running the sbatch
command. The following script allows running a job with upto all cores and memory on a single node and was tested on graham. To use it specify the simulation time, memory, number of cores and replace YOUR_AEDT_FILE with your input file name. A full listing of ansysedt command line options can be obtained by starting ansysedt in [Graphical Mode |] with commands ansysedt -help
or ansysedt -Batchoptionhelp
to obtain scrollable graphical popups. Additional tabs containing slurm scripts for submitting distributed jobs over multiple nodes will be added to the following table asap. At present only ansysedt/2021R2 is installed (newer versions will be installed when released). Ansysedt can be run interactively by starting a salloc session on a compute node (request sufficient memory & cores) and then issuing the command found in the last line of the following
slurm script. Sample timing output results for the test example are shown below each script.