Abaqus FEA is a software suite for finite element analysis and computer-aided engineering.
Using your own license
Abaqus is available on Compute Canada clusters, but you must provide your own license. Create in your account a file named $HOME/.licenses/abaqus.lic containing this single line:
prepend_path("LM_LICENSE_FILE","port@server", ";")
...replacing port@server
with the port number and name of your Abaqus license server.
Your license server must be reachable by our compute nodes, so your firewall will need to be configured appropriately. This usually requires our technical team to get in touch with the technical people managing your license software. Please contact our technical support and we will provide a list of IP addresses used by our clusters and obtain the information we need on the port and IP address of your server.
Submission script
Below is an example submission script for a small Abaqus Explicit job running on four cores:
#SBATCH --time=1-00:00
#SBATCH --mem=2500M
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
module load abaqus/6.14.1
export MPI_IC_ORDER='tcp'
abaqus job=Job-SBS-ALU-EXPLICIT-01 input=2018-04-14-SBS-ALUMINUM-EXPLICIT-01.inp memory="2 gb" scratch=$SCRATCH cpus=4 interactive
Abaqus command line options
You can get a list of Abaqus' command line options with abaqus -help
There are a lot of options, so you may wish to pipe the output into a pagination program, e.g.:
[name@gra-vdi4]$ abaqus -help | less
Using the graphical interface
Graham VDI
See Graham VDI Nodes.
The gra-vdi machine can be used to run Abaqus interactively with the Sharcnet licenses by any Compute Canada member. Further details regarding how to connect with tigervnc are described below. The license can also be used for running jobs by connecting to dusky.sharcnet.ca. Once connected load the following module:
module load abaqus/2019-sn
If an Abaqus job fails to get a license upon startup, it must be manually killed otherwise it will sit idle on the compute node until its "sqsub -r runtime" limit is reached, and the queue automatically kills it off. One can tell if a job is in an idle state by inspecting the job output file then killing it with the sqkill
or scancel
[roberpj@dus241:~/test-abaqus] cat ofile.93249 Abaqus JOB myjob Abaqus 6.13-3 "standard" license request queued for the License Server. Total time in queue: 0 seconds. "standard" license request queued for the License Server. Total time in queue: 30 seconds. "standard" license request queued for the License Server. Total time in queue: 60 seconds. etc
Running CAE GUI on a viz or VDI workstation
To connect, we recommend installing the tigervnc client on your desktop, as described in https://www.sharcnet.ca/help/index.php/Remote_Graphical_Connections. The best vdi machine at Sharcnet to run Abaqus on interactivly in GUI mode is currently gra-vdi.computecanada.ca. This machine is located at uw therefore the uwo engineering/robarts combined licenses cannot be use. To start Abaqus GUI on gra-vdi do the following:
1) connect to gra-vdi.computecanada.ca with tigervnc 2) module load StdEnv 3) module load abaqus/2019-sn 4) abaqus cae
Previously, Sharcnet recommended using vdi-centos6.user.sharcnet.ca with tigervnc with the following procedure. it is likely this machine will be shut down May1 along with all other sharcnet legacy systems.
1) connect to vdi-centos6.user.sharcnet.ca with tigervnc 2) run the following two commands ... module load intel/12.1.3 abaqus/6.14.2-sn abaqus cae
Check license status
Load the Abaqus module and run tne following commands. Note that 1 CAE & 19 standard tokens are reserved for a research group who purchased them and these will always appear in use. To purchase a CAE or standard compute licenses (to ensure access) open a ticket, pro-rated pricing will be explained if during the middle of the license year commencing each mid January.
All features
CAE feature
[roberpj@vdi-centos6:~] abaqusstat | grep cae Users of cae: (Total of 3 licenses issued; Total of 1 license in use) "cae" v61.8, vendor: ABAQUSLM
Standard feature
[roberpj@vdi-centos6:~] abaqusstat | grep standard Users of standard: (Total of 40 licenses issued; Total of 38 licenses in use) "standard" v61.8, vendor: ABAQUSLM
Mapping from tokens to CPUs for Abaqus standard/explicit
CPUS 1 2 4 8 12 16 24 32 64 128 TOKENS 5 6 8 12 14 16 19 21 28 38
See also https://deviceanalytics.com/abaqus-token-calculator
Example of token consumption with consecutively run jobs
1) abaqus cae -mesa Abaqus License Manager checked out the following license(s): "cae" release 6.11 from license3.sharcnet.ca <1 out of 2 licenses remain available>. 2) abaqus cae -mesa Abaqus License Manager checked out the following license(s): "cae" release 6.11 from license3.sharcnet.ca <0 out of 2 licenses remain available>. 3) PARALLEL JOB USING 2CPU sqsub -r 1h --nompirun --mpp=6G -q mpi -n 2 -N 1 -o ofile.%J abaqus cpus=2 mp_mode=mpi interactive input=heattransfermanifold_cavity.inp job=job_par3 Abaqus/Standard checked out 6 tokens. <29 out of 35 licenses remain available>. 4) ADDITIONAL PARALLEL JOB USING 4CPU sqsub -r 1h --nompirun --mpp=6G -q mpi -n 4 -N 1 -o ofile.%J abaqus cpus=4 mp_mode=mpi interactive input=heattransfermanifold_cavity.inp job=job_par3 Abaqus/Standard checked out 8 tokens. <21 out of 35 licenses remain available>. 5) SUMMARY [roberpj@viz10-uwo:~] abaqusstat | grep abaqus Users of abaqus: (Total of 35 licenses issued; Total of 16 licenses in use) [roberpj@viz10-uwo:~] abaqusstat | grep standard Users of standard: (Total of 35 licenses issued; Total of 16 licenses in use)