Scratch purging policy

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This article is a draft

This is not a complete article: This is a draft, a work in progress that is intended to be published into an article, which may or may not be ready for inclusion in the main wiki. It should not necessarily be considered factual or authoritative.


The scratch filesystem on Compute Canada clusters is intended as temporary, fast storage for data being used during job execution. Data needed for long term storage and reference should be kept in either project or other archival storage areas. In order to ensure adequate space on scratch older files are periodically deleted according to the policy outlined in this page. The threshold for purging is 60 days, which is a little more than twice the maximum duration of a job on the cluster.

The determination of a file's age is done by checking the most recent value between the access time (atime) and change time (ctime) of the file. You can find the ctime of a file using

[name@server ~]$ ls -lc <filename>

while the atime can be obtained with the command

[name@server ~]$ ls -lu <filename>

We do not use the modify time (mtime) of the file for age determination because it can be modified by the user or other programs to display incorrect information.

Ordinarily simple use of the atime property would be sufficient, as the it is updated by the system in sync with the ctime, however userspace programs are also able to alter the atime, potentially to times in the past, which could result in early expiration of a file - the fallback of the ctime property prevents this undesirable behaviour.

Expiration Procedure

The scratch filesystem is checked at the end of the month for files which will be candidates for expiry on the 15th of the following month. On the first day of the month, a notification e-mail is sent to all users who have at least one file which is a candidate for purging and containing the location of a file which lists all the candidates for purging. You will thus have two weeks to make arrangements to move data to your project space or some other location if you wish to save the data in question.

On the 12th of the month, a final notification e-mail will be sent with an updated assessment of candidate files for expiration on the 15th, giving you 72 hours to make arrangements for moving these files. At the end of day on the 15th any remaining files on the scratch filesystem with the property that the minimum of their ctime and atime is greater than 60 days will be deleted.

Note that simplying copying or using the rsync command to displace your files will update the atime for the original data on scratch, so that once you have put the data in another location be sure to delete the original files and directories in scratch ahead of the automatic purging.


It should be noted that this method of tracking file age does allow for potential abuse the system by periodically running a recursive touch command on your files, preventing them from being flagged for expiration. However Compute Canada staff have methods for detecting this and similar tactics to defeat the purging policy and users who employ such techniques will be contacted and asked to modify their behaviour, in particular to move the "retouched" data from scratch to a more appropriate location.