Clés SSH : Projet pilote
Dans le cadre de nos efforts pour préserver la sécurité de notre infrastructure nationale, nous avons créé une nouvelle fonctionnalité dans la CCDB qui vous permet de téléverser vos clés publiques dans votre compte et les utiliser ensuite pour vous connecter à nos grappes Cedar, Graham, Béluga, Niagara et Mist.
Nous étudions présentement la possibilité de renforcer l'authentification sur toutes nos grappes avec l'utilisation de clés SSH et un projet pilote sera lancé le 1er novembre 2021 pour Niagara et Mist.
Dates importantes
Starting on November 1, 2021: Authentication on Niagara and Mist with SSH keys will only accept keys that have been uploaded to the CCDB. Keys that are only in .ssh/authorized_keys will no longer work.
Every Monday of November 2021: From 10:00AM to noon Eastern time, authentication on Niagara and Mist will only be possible with SSH keys. Authentication using passwords will be disabled.
Starting on December 1, 2021: Depending on lessons learned, authentication on Niagara and Mist may be restricted to SSH keys only.
What you need to do
To learn about SSH keys, see the drop-in sessions on
If you know how to use SSH keys,
- Create your SSH key pair from your workstation.
- Upload your SSH public key to your CCDB account by connecting to After a few minutes, you should be able to authenticate on Niagara or Mist
- If the .ssh folder in your $HOME directory contains a file named authorized_keys, it should be deleted.
- Log out of the cluster and log in again.
Additional documentation on usage and best practices is also available in SSH Keys
If you still have questions or need assistance after reading these documents, please register and join one of the following sessions:
Friday, October 29th, 12:00PM - 01:00PM ET: conducted in French