- Créez un share.
- Dans Project --> Share --> Shares, cliquez sur +Create Share.
- Share Name = entrez un nom significatif pour votre projet (par exemple project-name-shareName)
- Share Protocol = CephFS
- Taille = taille requise pour le share
- Share Type = cephfs
- Zone de disponibilité = nova
- Ne sélectionnez pas Make visible for all, autrement le share sera accessible par tous les utilisateurs dans tous les projets.
- Create an access rule to generate an access key.
- In Project --> Share --> Shares --> Actions column, select Manage Rules from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the +Add Rule button (right of page).
- Access Type = cephx
- Access Level = select read-write or read-only (you can create multiple rules for either access level if required)
- Access To = select a key name that describes the key (e.g. def-project-shareName-read-write)
- Note the share details.
- In Project --> Share --> Shares, click on the name of the share.
- In the Share Overview, note the Path which you will need later.
- Under Access Rules, note the Access Key which you will need later (the access key is approximately 40 characters and ends with the = sign; if you do not see an access key, you probably didn't add an access rule of type cephx.