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Installing CASTEP

For example, with version 20.11:

  1. You must get the archive file that contains the installer; this file should be named CASTEP-20.11.tar.gz.
  2. Upload the CASTEP-20.11.tar.gz file to your /home/$USER folder on the cluster you intend to use.
  3. On the cluster, run the command:
[name@server ~]$ eb CASTEP-20.11-iofbf-2020a.eb --sourcepath=$HOME --disable-enforce-checksums

Once this command has completed, log out from the cluster and log back in.


You should be able to load the module with:

[name@server ~]$ module load castep

On a compute node, the CASTEP executable can be used like an MPI application:

[name@server ~]$ srun castep.mpi seedname

Where input files would be seedname.cell and seedname.param (i.e. "seedname" could be a different name).
