Quantum computing services

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Our team of quantum computing analysts provides expertise, support and training on quantum computing and hybrid classical-quantum computing. As of the end of fall 2024, Calcul Québec will offer access to a 24 qubit superconducting quantum computer called MonarQ, coupled with the Narval cluster.

What is quantum computing? A quantum computer takes advantage of the characteristics of quantum particles (qubits), including superposition of states, constructive and destructive interference, and entanglement. With these properties, a new computational paradigm promises greater parallelization to solve complex problems that cannot be managed by classical computing systems.


Optimization of complex problems is one of the most promising areas for quantum computing in several research areas:

  • Machine learning: quantum computing could reduce training and processing times.
  • Finance: quantum computing could speed up portfolio risk assessment and fraud detection.
  • Molecular modelling: quantum computing could simulate more complex chemical systems and simulate reactions in real time.
  • Meteorology: quantum computing could increase the number of variables for weather forecasting.
  • Logistics: quantum computing could optimize logistics and workflow planning associated with supply chain management.


There are several specialized software libraries for performing quantum computing and developing quantum algorithms. You can use these libraries to build circuits that are run on simulators mimicking the performance and results obtained on a quantum computer. These libraries can be used on all of our clusters.

Technical support

If you have questions on our quantum computing services, please write to support@calculquebec.ca.