Translations:Cloud Quick Start/13/en

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Network settings

Manage Floating IP (Click for larger image)
Add Rule (Click for larger image)

On the Instances page is a list of VMs with their IP address(es) displayed in the IP Address column. Each VM will have at least one private IP address, but some may also have a second public IP assigned to it. When your OpenStack project is created, a local network is also created for you. This local network is used to connect VMs to each other and to an internet gateway within that project, allowing them to communicate with each other and the outside world. The private IP address provides inter VM networking but does not allow for connection to the outside world. Any VM created in your project will have a private IP address assigned to it from this network of the form 192.168.X.Y. Public IPs allow outside services and tools to initiate contact with your VM, such as allowing you to connect to your VM via your personal computer to perform administrative tasks or serve up web content. Public IPs can also be pointed to by domain names.