Translations:Cloud Technical Glossary/32/fr

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Terme Définition
Apache HTTP Server Un logiciel pour l’implémentation de serveurs Web. Voir
CALM (cloud account lifecycle management) Gestion du cycle de vie d’un compte infonuagique. Notre processus pour gérer l’allocation des ressources infonuagiques.
Ceph La plateforme de stockage distribué des données pour nos nuages; inclut le stockage de volumes.
CephFS (Ceph File System) Un système de fichiers pour stockage Ceph qui permet de monter des données sur plusieurs machines virtuelles simultanément. Ce service est présentement offert sur Arbutus seulement. Voir
nuage (cloud) En référence à nos services infonuagiques, forme courte de nuage IaaS.
ressource de calcul infonuagique Type de ressource allouée pour supporter les instances dont l’exécution est limitée dans le temps et qui requièrent une grande utilisation de CPU et mémoire de manière soutenue. Les noms de gabarits pour ces ressources commencent par la lettre c. Ces ressources sont présentement offertes sur Arbutus, Béluga et Cedar. Comparer à ressource de calcul infonuagique persistant.
CVMFS (CernVM File System)

Un système de distribution de contenu en lecture seule souvent utilisé pour distribuer des logiciels. Voir

disque local éphémère Disque virtuel créé et supprimé avec une instance OpenStack. Ce type de disque est créé au lancement d’une instance quand un volume n’est pas spécifié.
gabarit (flavor) Terme utilisé dans OpenStack pour désigner une configuration préétablie pour une nouvelle instance. Un gabarit peut définir plusieurs paramètres, par exemple le nombre de cœurs et la capacité de mémoire vive et sur disque.
IP flottante Adresse IP qui peut être associée à une instance OpenStack pour permettre aux périphériques externes d’y accéder.
Horizon Tableau de bord OpenStack pour la gestion des ressources infonuagiques via un navigateur Web. Voir

host Physical server supporting virtual machines.
image Image of a virtual disk used to create a new boot volume or ephemeral disk when creating an OpenStack instance.
instance OpenStack virtual machines are called instances, mostly because they are instances of an image that is created upon request and that is configured when the instance is launched.
IPV6 (Internet Protocol version 6) A communications protocol successor to IPv4. See ttps://
object storage Object storage (or object-based storage) is a storage type that manages data as objects, as opposed to other storage architectures like filesystems which manage data as a file hierarchy, and storage where data is managed as blocks. Each object typically includes the data itself, a variable amount of metadata, and a globally unique identifier. Offered as S3 and Swift protocols. Allocated in TB. See Currently only available with Arbutus.
OpenStack The software suite used on our clouds to control hardware resources such as computers, storage and networking.
persistent cloud Allocation type for persistent virtual machines that are expected to run indefinitely and have low or bursty CPU requirements. Flavors have labels beginning with p*. Currently only available on Arbutus, Béluga and Cedar. Compare with compute cloud.
project In our infrastructure, a project represents an allocation of cloud resources to a group or user.
RAC (Resource Allocation Competition) Our program via which PIs can submit a request for storage and computer resources beyond what can be obtained via the Rapid Access Service (RAS). The requests are evaluated by a committee of peers.
RAS (Rapid Access Service) Service by which Principal Investigators can request a modest amount of storage and cloud resources without having to apply to the RAC.
S3 (Simple Storage Service) A type of object storage.
security group A set of security rules that control network traffic and can be applied as a whole to one or more instances.
service portal We host many research web portals which serve datasets or tools to a broad research community. These portals generally do not require large computing or storage resources, but may require support effort by our technical team. Groups applying for a service portal often use our clouds, generally require a public IP address, and may have more stringent up-time requirements than most research projects.
shared filesystem Persistent storage space offered as a Unix-compliant filesystem that can be mounted across multiple hosts in a project. This is useful for sharing data across multiple hosts. Service runs on CephFS and requires either a Fuse driver (Windows/Linux) or the CephFS kernel driver (Linux) for access. Allocated in TB.
snapshot Copy of an OpenStack volume that can be used as a backup or to launch another instance.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) A protocol to allow encrypted communications over networks. SSL is obsolete and should be replaced by TLS (Transport Layer Security) wherever possible.
SWIFT A type of object storage. See
tenant See project.
TSL (Transport Layer Security) See SSL.
vCPU (virtual central processing unit) A vCPU represents a portion or share of the underlying, physical CPU that is assigned to a particular virtual machine.
vGPU (virtual graphics processing unit) A virtual machine can have one or more vGPUs assigned to it. Each of them is seen as a GPU by the operating system. Additional configuration may be required for use. See
virtual machine Virtual server in the cloud infrastructure. In OpenStack, active virtual machines are called instances.
volume Storage resource that can be attached to or detached from an OpenStack instance, like a virtual disk.
volume storage Type of persistent cloud storage providing virtual disk functionality to OpenStack instances running in the cloud. Implemented with Ceph software. Allocated in GB.