Accessing object storage with WinSCP

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This page contains instructions on how to set up and access Arbutus object storage with WinSCP, one of the object storage clients available for this storage type.

Installing WinSCP

WinSCP can be installed from

Configuring WinSCP

Under "New Session", make the following configurations:

  • File protocol: Amazon S3
  • Host name:
  • Port number: 443
  • Access key ID: 20_DIGIT_ACCESS_KEY

and "Save" these settings as shown below

WinSCP configuration screen

Next, click on the "Edit" button and then click on "Advanced..." and navigate to "Environment" to "S3" to "Protocol options" to "URL style:" which must changed from "Virtual Host" to "Path" as shown below:

WinSCP Path Configuration

This "Path" setting is important, otherwise WinSCP will not work and you will see hostname resolution errors, like this:

WinSCP resolve error

Using WinSCP

Click on the "Login" button and use the WinSCP GUI to create buckets and to transfer files:

WinSCP file transfer screen

Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Policies

Right-clicking on a file will allow you to set a file's ACL, like this:

WinSCP ACL screen