Préparer un tutoriel Software Carpentry pour le wiki

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This page is a translated version of the page Building a Software Carpentry style lesson on the wiki and the translation is 100% complete.
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Il peut être intéressant d'utiliser notre wiki pour présenter des tutoriels Software Carpentry. GitHub héberge des leçons de Software Carpentry comme celle-ci; elles sont préparées avec la syntaxe Markdown qui offre plusieurs gabarits préformatés. L'hébergement d'un tutoriel sur un wiki a aussi l'avantage d'en permettre aisément la traduction. Nous présentons ici quelques gabarits utiles.



The typical SWC prerequisites box can be obtained using the {{Prerequisites}} template. For example, the following code

  |title=Prerequisites for this lesson
This lesson requires you to first know X.

results in the following box

Prerequisites for this lesson

This lesson requires you to first know X.

Getting ready

The SWC "getting ready" box can be obtained using the {{Getready}} template. For example, the following code

  |title=Getting ready for this lesson
You should download the following files prior to starting the lesson.

results in the following box

Getting ready for this lesson

You should download the following files prior to starting the lesson.

Learning Objectives

The SWC "objectives" box can be obtained using the {{Objectives}} template. For example, the following code

  |title=Learning Objectives
* You will learn A
* You will also learn B

results in the following box

Learning Objectives
  • You will learn A
  • You will also learn B


The SWC "callout" box can be obtained using the {{Callout}} template. For example, the following code

  |title=Using auto completion
You can use the <TAB> key to auto complete. 

results in the following box

Using auto completion

You can use the <TAB> key to auto complete.


The SWC "challenge" box can be obtained using the {{Challenge}} template. For example, the following code

  |title=Practicing using the commands.
Assuming a ...

results in the following box

Practicing using the commands

Assuming a ...