Globus v4 to v5

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The Globus file transfer tool which we use on our servers is evolving. On December 18, 2023, Globus Connect Server version 4 (GCSv4) will reach its end of life. You may need to take action if you own a shared collection (previously named shared endpoint in Globus version 4).

You may have received a message from Globus containing the following information:

Message sent by Globus
GCS Version 4 will be discontinued on December 18, 2023. If you have not yet migrated your Globus Connect Server v4 deployment or updated your applications to support Globus Connect Server v5, we urge you to do so now.

The original announcement was made in July 2023:

What do I need to do?[edit]

What you need to do depends on where your shared collection (formerly shared endpoint) is located.


At Cedar, the endpoint computecanada#cedar-dtn uses version 4 of Globus and will be discontinued on December 15, 2023. Before this date, you need to recreate your shared collections using the endpoint computecanada#cedar-globus, which uses version 5.


At Béluga, the existing Globus v4 endpoint will be upgraded to Globus v5 during the scheduled maintenance on November 28, 2023. Most shared collections, which use the Compute Canada identity provider, will be migrated automatically. However, if you own a collection which was created using a third party identity provider, you must re-create it after November 28.

Graham and Narval[edit]

Their respective endpoints already use version 5. No further action is required.


The Niagara endpoint already uses version 5. No action is required from users since Globus shared collections are not allowed at Niagara.

How to share data with Globus version 5[edit]

Instructions for sharing data using Globus version 5 can be found here.


  • November 28, 2023: End of GCSv4 at Béluga
  • December 15, 2023: End of GCSv4 at Cedar
  • December 18, 2023: End of GCSv4 everywhere