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This page is a translated version of the page Mp2 and the translation is 100% complete.
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Availability: February 2012 - April 1, 2020
Login Node:
Globus Endpoint: computecanada#mammouth
Data Transfer Node (rsync, scp, sftp,...) :

Mp2 is now exclusive to researchers from the Université de Sherbrooke.

Mammouth-Mp2 is a heterogeneous and polyvalent cluster designed for ordinary computations; it is located at the Université de Sherbrooke.

Site-specific policies

  • Each job must have a duration of at least one hour (at least five minutes for test jobs) and a user cannot have more than 1000 jobs (running and queued) at any given time. The maximum duration of a job is 168 hours (seven days).
  • No GPUs.


Lustre filesystem
79.6 TB of space in total
  • This space is small and cannot be expanded; you should use your project space for substantial storage needs.
  • 50 GB of space and 500K files per user.
  • There is a daily backup.
Lustre filesystem
358.3 TB of space in total
  • Large space for storing temporary files during computations.
  • 20 TB of space and 1M files per user.
  • No backup system in place.
Lustre filesystem
716.6 TB of space in total
  • This space is designed for sharing data among the members of a research group and for storing large amounts of data.
  • 1 TB of space and 500K files per group.
  • No backup system in place.

For transferring data by Globus, you should use the endpoint computecanada#mammouth, whereas tools like rsync and scp can simply use an ordinary login node.

High-performance interconnect

The Mellanox QDR (40 Gb/s) Infiniband network links together all of the cluster's nodes and is non-blocking for groups of 216 nodes and 5:1 for the rest of the cluster.

Node characteristics

Quantity Cores Available Memory CPU Type Storage GPU Type
1588 24 31 GB or 31744 MB 12 cores/socket, 2 sockets/node. AMD Opteron Processor 6172 @ 2.1 GHz 1TB SATA disk. -
20 48 251 GB or 257024 MB 12 cores/socket, 4 sockets/node. AMD Opteron Processor 6174 @ 2.2 GHz 1TB SATA disk. -
2 48 503 GB or 515072 MB 12 cores/socket, 4 sockets/node. AMD Opteron Processor 6174 @ 2.2 GHz 1TB SATA disk. -