OpenStack dashboard GUI

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OpenStack dashboard GUI

The OpenStack dashboard GUI allows you manage various aspects of your OpenStack cloud project. This includes to create and manage virtual machines (VMs) and networks. The GUI is based on software from the OpenStack project called Horizon. The GUI can be used from any machine, virtual or otherwise, and only requires having an internet connection and a web browser. For example, the dashboard shows a project's used resources and available quota:

OpenStack Horizon Dashboard GUI

The OpenStack command line clients allows you to perform functionality which the dashboard does not.

Dashboard GUI

The URL to access the dashboad GUI varies by site:

Please note that you must have a project on the cloud site in order to sign in to the respective URL(s). For questions about obtaining a project, please read [[| page]].

Dashboard GUI documentation

See the [OpenStack End User documetation for more details on how to use the dashboard GUI.