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Custom iPython kernel
(New section for custom kernels)
(Custom iPython kernel)
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== Create your own Jupyter Application Kernel ==
== Create your own Jupyter Application Kernel ==
''(Section under construction)'' Please see the older [[JupyterNotebook#Adding_kernels|configuration procedure here]].
''(Section under construction)'' Please see the older [[JupyterNotebook#Adding_kernels|configuration procedure here]].
=== Julia Kernel ===
=== Python Kernel ===
In a terminal with an active session on the remote server,
you may configure a [[Python#Creating_and_using_a_virtual_environment|Python virtual environment]] with all the required [[Available_Python_wheels|Python modules]]
and a Jupyter kernel for JupyterLab.
Here are the initial steps for the simplest Jupyter configuration
in a new Python virtual environment:
<li>Create the common <code>kernels</code> folder: {{Command2|mkdir -p ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels}}
<li>Load a Python module: {{Command2|module load python/3.8}}
<li>Create a new Python virtual environment: {{Command2|virtualenv --no-download $HOME/jupyter_py3.8}}
<li>Activate your newly created Python virtual environment: {{Command2|source $HOME/jupyter_py3.8/bin/activate}}
<li>Install the <code>ipykernel</code> library: {{Command2|prompt=(jupyter_py3.8) [name@server ~]$|pip install --no-index ipykernel}}
<li>Generate the kernel spec file.  Substitute <code><unique_name></code> by a name that will uniquely identify your kernel: {{Command2|prompt=(jupyter_py3.8) [name@server ~]$|python -m ipykernel install --user --name <unique_name> --display-name "Python 3.8 Kernel"}}
<li>Deactivate the virtual environment: {{Command2|prompt=(jupyter_py3.8) [name@server ~]$|deactivate}}
For more information, see the [http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install/kernel_install.html ipykernel documentation].
=== R Kernel ===

== Possible error messages == <!--T:30-->
== Possible error messages == <!--T:30-->


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