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# Start Firefox by clicking <I>Applications -> Internet -> Firefox</I>. | # Start Firefox by clicking <I>Applications -> Internet -> Firefox</I>. | ||
# Open a <b><i>new</I></b> terminal window by clicking <I>Applications -> System Tools -> Mate Terminal</I>. | # Open a <b><i>new</I></b> terminal window by clicking <I>Applications -> System Tools -> Mate Terminal</I>. | ||
# Start Workbench by typing the following in your terminal: <i>module load CcEnv StdEnv ansys; runwb2</i> | # Start Workbench by typing the following in your terminal: <i>module load CcEnv StdEnv/2023 ansys; runwb2</i> | ||
# | # Go to the upper Workbench menu bar and click <I>Help -> ANSYS Workbench Help</I>. The <b>Workbench Users' Guide</b> should appear loaded in Firefox. | ||
# At this point Workbench is no longer needed so close it by clicking the <I>>Unsaved Project - Workbench</I> tab located along the bottom frame (doing this will bring Workbench into focus) and then click <I>File -> Exit</I>. | # At this point Workbench is no longer needed so close it by clicking the <I>>Unsaved Project - Workbench</I> tab located along the bottom frame (doing this will bring Workbench into focus) and then click <I>File -> Exit</I>. | ||
# In the top middle of the Ansys documentation page, click the word <I>HOME</I> located just left of <I>API DOCS</I>. | # In the top middle of the Ansys documentation page, click the word <I>HOME</I> located just left of <I>API DOCS</I>. |