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== Using Gurobi in Python virtual environments ==
== Using Gurobi in Python virtual environments ==

Gurobi brings it's own version of Python but that one does not contain any 3rd-party Python packages except Gurobi.  In order to use Gurobi together with popular Python
packages like NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas and others, we need to create a [[Python#Creating_and_using_a_virtual_environment|virtual Python environment]]in which we can install both <code>gurobipy</code> and e.g. <code>pandas</code>.

Before we start, we need to decide which combination of versions for Gurobi and Python to use.
{{Commands|prompt=[name@server ~] $
|module load gurobi/8.1.1
|ls -dF python*
  python2.7/        python2.7_utf32/  python3.6_utf32/
  python2.7_utf16/  python3.5_utf32/  python3.7_utf32/
|module load gurobi/9.0.1
|ls -dF python*
  python2.7_utf16/  python3.5_utf32/  python3.7/        python3.8_utf32/
  python2.7_utf32/  python3.6_utf32/  python3.7_utf32/
We see that <code>gurobi/8.1.1</code> brings it's own installation of <code>python2.7/</code> and Python packages for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 (<code>pythonX.Y_utf32/</code>),
while <code>gurobi/9.0.1</code> by default uses <code>python3.7/</code> and brings Python packages for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 (<code>pythonX.Y_utf32/</code>).
In this example we want to create a Python environment based on <code>python/3.7</code> in which we want to use <code>gurobi/9.0.1</code> and install the Pandas package.
=== Creating a Python virtual environments with Gurobi ===
These steps need to be done only once per system.
The first step is to load the modules, [[Python#Creating_and_using_a_virtual_environment|create the virtual environment]] and activate it.
{{Commands|prompt=[name@server ~] $
| module load gurobi/9.0.1 python/3.7
| virtualenv --no-download  ~/env_gurobi
  Using base prefix '/cvmfs/'
  New python executable in /home/name/env_gurobi/bin/python
  Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
| source ~/env_gurobi/bin/activate
Now that the environment has been activated we can install the Python packages we want to use, in this case <code>pandas</code>.
{{Commands|prompt=(env_gurobi) [name@server ~] $
| pip install --no-index  pandas
  Ignoring pip: markers 'python_version < "3"' don't match your environment
  Looking in links: /cvmfs/, /cvmfs/, /  cvmfs/
  Collecting pandas
  Collecting numpy>=1.13.3 (from pandas)
  Successfully installed numpy-1.18.4 pandas-1.0.3 python-dateutil-2.8.1 pytz-2020.1 six-1.15.0
The third step is to install gurobipy into the environment:
{{Commands|prompt=(env_gurobi) [name@server ~] $
| python build --build-base /dev/shm/${USER} install
  running build
  running build_py
  creating /dev/shm/name
  creating /dev/shm/name/lib
  creating /dev/shm/name/lib/gurobipy
  copying lib/python3.7_utf32/gurobipy/ -> /dev/shm/name/lib/gurobipy
  copying lib/python3.7_utf32/gurobipy/ -> /dev/shm/name/lib/gurobipy
  running install
  running install_lib
  creating /home/name/env_gurobi/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gurobipy
  copying /dev/shm/name/lib/gurobipy/ -> /home/name/env_gurobi/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gurobipy
  copying /dev/shm/name/lib/gurobipy/ -> /home/name/env_gurobi/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gurobipy
  byte-compiling /home/name/env_gurobi/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gurobipy/ to __init__.cpython-37.pyc
  running install_egg_info
  Writing /home/name/env_gurobi/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gurobipy-9.0.1-py3.7.egg-info
| cd
=== Using the Gurobi-enabled virtual environment ===
Python scripts can now import both Pandas and Gurobi:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import gurobipy as gurobi
from gurobipy import *
# [...]
Once created we can activate Gurobi and the environment with:
module load gurobi/8.1.1
source ~/env_gurobi/bin/activate
Note that we now use <code>python</code> instead of <code></code>!
And this is an example job script that we can use:
#SBATCH --time=0-00:30        # time limit (D-HH:MM)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1    # number of CPUs (threads) to use
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1000M  # memory per CPU (in MB)
module purge
module load gurobi/9.0.1
source ~/env_gurobi/bin/activate
# Create environment file in current directory setting the number of threads:
echo "Threads ${SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE:-1}" > gurobi.env

== Cite Gurobi ==
== Cite Gurobi ==

Please see [ How do I cite Gurobi software for an academic publication?]
Please see [ How do I cite Gurobi software for an academic publication?]


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