To determine the required slurm memory for multi-node slurm scripts, memory estimates (per compute process) required to minimize I/O are given in the output dat file of completed jobs. If mp_host_split is not specified (or is set to 1) then the total number of compute processes will equal the number of nodes. The mem-per-cpu value can then be roughly determined by multiplying the largest memory estimate by the number of nodes and then dividing by the number or ntasks. If however a value for mp_host_split is specified (greater than 1) than the mem-per-cpu value can be roughly determined from the largest memory estimate times the number of nodes times the value of mp_host_split divided by the number of tasks. Note that mp_host_split must be less than or equal to the number of cores per node assigned by slurm at runtime otherwise Abaqus will terminate. This scenario can be controlled by uncommenting to specify a value for tasks-per-node. The following definitive statement is given in every output dat file and mentioned here for reference: