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Specify job resources

To ensure optimal usage of both your Abaqus tokens and our resources, it's important to carefully specify the required memory and ncpus in your Slurm script. The values can be determined by submitting a few short test jobs to the queue then checking their utilization. For completed jobs use seff JobNumber to show the total Memory Utilized and Memory Efficiency. If the Memory Efficiency is less than ~90%, decrease the value of the #SBATCH --mem= setting in your Slurm script accordingly. Notice that the seff JobNumber command also shows the total CPU (time) Utilized and CPU Efficiency. If the CPU Efficiency is less than ~90%, perform scaling tests to determine the optimal number of CPUs for optimal performance and then update the value of #SBATCH --cpus-per-task= in your Slurm script. For running jobs, use the srun --jobid=29821580 --pty top -d 5 -u $USER command to watch the %CPU, %MEM and RES for each Abaqus parent process on the compute node. The %CPU and %MEM columns display the percent usage relative to the total available on the node while the RES column shows the per process resident memory size (in human readable format for values over 1GB). Further information regarding how to monitor jobs is available on our documentation wiki