Translations:Accessing CVMFS/47/en

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Use of software environment by system administrators[edit]

If you perform privileged system operations, or operations related to CVMFS, ensure that your session does not depend on our software environment when performing any such operations. For example, if you attempt to update CVMFS using YUM while your session uses a Python module loaded from CVMFS, YUM may run using that module and lose access to it during the update, and the update may become deadlocked. Similarly, if your environment depends on CVMFS and you reconfigure CVMFS in a way that temporarily interrupts access to CVMFS, your session may interfere with CVMFS operations, or hang. (When these precautions are taken, in most cases CVMFS can be updated and reconfigured without interrupting access to CVMFS for users, because the update or reconfiguration itself will complete successfully without encountering a circular dependency.)