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Ansys programs can be run for up to 24 hours on graham VDI Nodes using a maximum of 8 cores and 128GB memory. The VDI System provides GPU OpenGL acceleration therefore it is ideal for performing tasks that benefit from high performance graphics. One might use VDI to create or modify simulation input files, post-process data or visualize simulation results. To get started, log in to with TigerVNC, open a new terminal window and start one of the following supported program versions as shown below. The vertical bar | notation is used to separate the various commands. The maximum job size for any parallel job run on gra-vdi should be limited to 16cores to avoid overloading the servers and impacting other users. To run two simultaneous gui jobs (16core max each) connect once with vnc to then connect again to likewise with vnc. Next start an interactive gui session for the ansys program you are using in the desktop on each machine. Note that simultaneous simulations should in general be run in different directories to avoid file conflict issues. Unlike compute nodes vnc connections (which impose slurm limits through salloc) there is no time limit constraint on gra-vdi when running simulations.