Translations:Available software/3/en

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Here are a few things to know about the available software:

  • Most Python modules are not installed as (Lmod) modules. They are instead provided as binary wheels, stored on our systems under /cvmfs/ One such package is TensorFlow. For instructions on how to install or list Python packages, see the Python page.
  • Similarly, most R or Perl packages are not installed either. We recommend installing them in your personal or group file space. See the R and Perl pages for instructions on how to do so.
  • A page discusses symbolic algebra software like Mathematica and Sage.
  • Note that Docker is not available on our clusters but Apptainer is available by loading the module apptainer. Docker containers can be converted to Apptainer as discussed here.
  • Some of the software packages listed below are not immediately usable because they require you to have a license. You may need to be granted access to them by us. Attempting to load the module for one of these will give you instructions on what to do to obtain access.
  • While the vast majority of the software packages below are accessible on all our servers, a few are only available at one site or another due to licensing restrictions. See Site-specific software below.
  • The packages listed below are available in one or more standard software environments. In rare circumstances it may be necessary to load a different standard environment (StdEnv) to access a particular version of a particular package. For more on this please read Standard software environments.
  • Many packages related to the operating system, such as Autotools, Make, Git, and others, are not installed as modules but are part of the default environment. These are not listed below.