Translations:Available software/4/en

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List of globally-installed modules

The table below lists software for which an environment module has been installed on our systems. In simple cases, the module name listed in the Module column can be used with the module load command to configure your environment. In more complicated cases, some prerequisite modules may also need to be loaded. Click on the corresponding [Expand] link in the Description column for a list of prerequisites and brief notes about the software. If more extensive documentation about a package is available, there will be a link in the Documentation column. Click the double arrows in the column heading to sort in ascending or descending order for a given column. In particular, sorting by software type might be of interest. The Type column shows the software tagged as: ai (artificial intelligence), bio (biology, bioinformatics), chem (chemistry), geo (earth sciences), io (input/output), math (mathematics), mpi (MPI), phys (physics and engineering), tools (languages and libraries), vis (visualization).