Translations:Cloud Quick Start/132/en
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- Details
- Instance Name: Enter a name for your virtual machine. Do not include spaces or special characters in your instance name. For more details on naming rules see restrictions on valid host names.
- Description: This field is optional.
- Availability Zone: The default is Any Availability Zone; do not change this.
- Count: This indicates the number of virtual machines to create. Unless you have specifically planned for multiple machines leave this set at 1.
- Source
- Select Boot Source: Because it's your first VM, select Image as the boot source. For information about other options see Booting from a volume.
- Create New Volume: Click Yes; your VM's data will be stored in the cloud volume (or persistent storage). For more information on volume usage and management see Working with volumes.
- Volume Size (GB): If you have a pre-planned volume size use that, otherwise 30 GB is reasonable for the operating system and some modest data needs. For more information on volume usage and management see Working with volumes.
- Delete Volume on Instance Delete: Click on No to help prevent your volume from being deleted accidentally; however, if you are confident you always want your volume deleted when your instance is deleted, click on Yes.
- Allocated and Available lists: The list at the bottom of the window shows the available images your VM can boot. For a beginner on Linux, we recommend the most recent Ubuntu image, but if you prefer you can choose any one of the other Linux operating systems. To select an image click on the upwards pointing arrow on the far right of the row containing your desired image. That row should now show up in the Allocated list above. It is important for later to remember which image you chose (ex. Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.).
- Flavor
- Allocated and Available lists: The flavor determines what type of hardware is used for your VM, which determines how much memory and processing capabilities it has. The Available list shows all the flavors available for your chosen boot image. Click on the > icon at the far left of a row to see how that particular flavor matches up with what you have been allocated for your project. If there is an alert icon on one of the specifications, that means that your project doesn't have enough of that resource to support that flavor. Choose a flavor that your project can support (i.e. doesn't issue an alert) and click on the upwards arrow on the far right of that row. That flavor should now show up in the Allocated list. For more details, see Virtual machine flavors.
- Allocated and Available lists: The flavor determines what type of hardware is used for your VM, which determines how much memory and processing capabilities it has. The Available list shows all the flavors available for your chosen boot image. Click on the > icon at the far left of a row to see how that particular flavor matches up with what you have been allocated for your project. If there is an alert icon on one of the specifications, that means that your project doesn't have enough of that resource to support that flavor. Choose a flavor that your project can support (i.e. doesn't issue an alert) and click on the upwards arrow on the far right of that row. That flavor should now show up in the Allocated list. For more details, see Virtual machine flavors.
- Networks: Do not change this unless required. On Arbutus, select your project network by default (usually starting with def-project-name).
- Network Ports: Do not change this now.
- Security Groups: The default security group should be in the Allocated list. If it is not, move it from Available to Allocated using the upwards arrow located on the far right of the group's row. For more information see Security Groups.
- Key Pair: From the Available list, select the SSH key pair you created earlier by clicking the upwards arrow on the far right of its row. If you do not have a key pair, you can create or import one from this window using the buttons at the top of the window (please see above). For more detailed information on managing and using key pairs see SSH Keys.
- Configuration: Do not change this now. For more information on customization scripts see Using CloudInit.
- Server Groups: Do not change this now.
- Scheduler Hints: Do not change this now.
- Metadata: Do not change this now.
Once you have reviewed all the options and defined your virtual machine, click on the Launch Instance button and your virtual machine will be created. The list of instances will be displayed and the Task' field will show the current task for the VM; it will likely be Spawning initially. Once the VM has spawned, it will have the power state of Running; this may take a few minutes.