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  1. Load the Python module.
    [name@server ~]$ module load python/3.7
  2. Create a new Python virtual environment.
    [name@server ~]$ virtualenv $HOME/jupyter_py3
  3. Activate your newly created Python virtual environment.
    [name@server ~]$ source $HOME/jupyter_py3/bin/activate
  4. Install Jupyter Notebook in your new virtual environment.
    (jupyter_py3) [name@server ~]$ pip install --no-index --upgrade pip
    (jupyter_py3) [name@server ~]$ pip install --no-index jupyter
  5. In the virtual environment, create a wrapper script that launches Jupyter Notebook.
    (jupyter_py3)_[name@server ~]$ echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nexport JUPYTER_RUNTIME_DIR=$SLURM_TMPDIR/jupyter\njupyter notebook --ip $(hostname -f) --no-browser' > $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/
  6. Finally, make the script executable.
    (jupyter_py3)_[name@server ~]$ chmod u+x $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/