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  1. Load the Anaconda module.
    [name@server ~]$ module load miniconda3
  2. Optional: Activate a specific conda virtual environment. Substitute <your_env> by the name you want to attribute to your Anaconda virtual environment.
    [name@server ~]$ source activate <your_env>
  3. Install the ipykernel library.
    [name@server ~]$ conda install ipykernel
  4. Generate the kernel spec file. Substitute <unique_name> by a name that will uniquely identify your kernel.
    [name@server ~]$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name <unique_name> --display-name "My Anaconda 3 Kernel"
  5. Optional: Deactivate the virtual environment.
    [name@server ~]$ source deactivate