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Use the two profiles provided by nf-core (test and singularity) and the profile we have just created for Béluga. Note that Nextflow is mainly written in Java which tends to use a lot of virtual memory. On the Narval cluster that won't be a problem, but with the Béluga login node, you will need to change the virtual memory to run most workflows. To set the virtual memory limit to 40G, use the ulimit -v 40000000 command. We also used a terminal multiplexer, so the Nextflow pipeline will still run if you are disconnected and you will be able to reconnect to the controller process. Note that running Nextflow on login nodes is easy on Béluga and Naval, but harder on Graham and Cedar since the login node virtual memory limit cannot be changed on these clusters; we recommend launching Nextflow from a compute node, where the virtual memory is never limited.

nextflow run nf-core-${NFCORE_PL}-${PL_VERSION}/workflow -profile test,singularity,beluga  --outdir ${NFCORE_PL}_OUTPUT

Be careful if you have an AWS configuration in your ~/.aws directory, as Nextflow might complain that it can't dowload the pipeline test dataset with your default id.