Load fMRIPrep
fMRIPrep is an NiPreps app for preprocessing MRI data in BIDS format. To use this on Alliance resources, first
module load apptainer fmriprep
A note about Apptainer
When you use fMRIPrep on the command line it's using Apptainer under the hood to invoke a container with fMRIPrep set up inside it. Command line options will be passed along to the fMRIPrep command in the container but you'll also want to affect the Apptainer context. To do this you'll have to use Apptainer environment variables. See the example a few paragraphs down.
Setup and download TemplateFlow
Further, fMRIPrep within the container will try to download TemplateFlow templates but will fail. We have to download this data ourselves in advance
module load python git-annex pip3 install datalad datalad install -r ///templateflow
Load Python and git-annex, install DataLad (you may want to do this in a virtualenv), and then install the TemplateFlow metadataset. This will be downloaded into a shared directory of the default project you're a part of. The directory should look something like /lustre03/project/GROUPNAME/shared/templateflow
. You'll have to change into this directory and download actual template subsets like
cd /lustre03/project/GROUPNAME/shared/templateflow datalad get -r tpl-MNI152NLin2009cAsym tpl-OASIS30ANTs
Do the same for all templates you want to make available but the above is a good start. NOTE that these templates may take a while to download and that you only have to do these DataLad steps once and they will be available to you and the rest of your project group until deleted. See accessing the TemplatFlow archive for more information.
Define Apptainer environment variables
Now we can set up our Apptainer and fMRIPrep environment variables
export APPTAINERENV_TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/lustre03/project/GROUPNAME/shared/templateflow export APPTAINER_BIND=/path/to/input,/path/to/output,/path/to/output/logs,$APPTAINERENV_TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME
we tell the fMRIPrep app where to find the TemplateFlow templates. With APPTAINER_BIND
we tell Apptainer where the input, output, and logs will be so that it can mount those directories and make them available to the fMRIprep app within the container. NOTE that fMRIPrep does not accept very long paths, so keep these directory and filenames short.
Run like they're chasing you
Finally, we can run
fmriprep /path/to/input /path/to/output participant --work-dir /path/to/output
And all should be well in the world. Except ...
It's a bit more complicated with FreeSurfer
If you want to run fMRIPrep using FreeSurfer, you'll have to register with FreeSurfer, download the license file, copy it to one of the directories in APPTAINER_BIND
and use the --fs-license-file
option. This is left as an exercise to the reader ... You can do it!
Thanks to Pierre Rioux for the voluminous input on the instructions on this page!