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== Quota and filesystem problems == <!--T:7-->
== Quota and filesystem problems == <!--T:7-->
=== Quota errors on /project filesystem ===
=== Quota errors on /project filesystem ===
Some users have seen "Disk quota exceeded" or some similar quota error on their [[Project layout|project]] folders. This may happen when files are owned by a group other than the project group. You can change the group which owns files using the command
* This topic has been moved to [[Frequently Asked Questions]].
{{Command|chgrp -R <group> <folder>}}
If the project directories are configured as intended, new files and directories created in them will automatically assume the project group ownership.  One of the ways in which an unexpected group ownership can occur is [[transferring files]] to the project directories using a program option to preserve group ownership.  So, if you have a recurring problem with ownership, check the options being used by your file transfer program.
To see what the value of <group> should be, run the following command:
{{Command|stat -c %G $HOME/projects/*/}}
Only the owner of the files can run the <tt>chgrp</tt> command. To ask us to correct the group owner for many users, contact [[Technical Support|technical support]].  

=== Nearline === <!--T:10-->
=== Nearline === <!--T:10-->
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